Frequently Asked Questions

It’s completely normal to face lots of question and hesitations about V Steaming, because to many of us women, Yoni Steaming seems appealing yet unknown. I have tried my best to give the proper answer to your most frequently asked questions!
Yoni Steaming FAQs

Yoni expression was first created by Iya Oliosunde Aiala (SAT-RA) in 2009. This method is a modern version of an ancient approach using in African lands and some other parts of the world, improving the vaginal canal, cervix, uterus, or in other words, the entire reproductive system. This method is a hydrotherapy form that allows the warmth of herbal steam to affect women’s sacred places positively. Since, after being mature, a women’s vagina tolerates different kinds of changes, it needs to find a way to strengthen its components. Here is yoni to make a balance and assist the reproductive system in experiencing a better life.

Actually, all women! Steaming can help women resolve menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, relieving menopausal symptoms, fibroids, yeast infections, tears, and episiotomy scars. Even once you have fixed whatever problem you are working on, vaginal steaming can help maintain health. Yoni steaming is also recommended even if you are not experiencing any of the above. It is a great way to soothe and pamper yourself and is known to relieve anxiety in women. It is unnecessary to do it during every cycle, but a couple of times a year, maybe in spring and autumn, would be helpful. It’s good to include steaming in our health routines to change winter to spring and then summer to autumn. To be honest, yoni steaming is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with your body.

Most importantly, women who are pregnant or think they may be, should not do yoni steaming. Doing so may jeopardize the pregnancy, as many of the herbs used can alter hormone levels and cause uterine contractions. For this reason, it is also not recommended for women with an intrauterine device (IUD). Women with any internal infection (inflammation of the cervix, uterus, or ovaries) or fever are advised not to steam until the symptoms go away. Women should also not steam during menstruation or when there are open sores or blisters.(Read More)

Yoni steaming is an integral part of traditional women’s medicine from all around the world. As the western model of healthcare became more prevalent, yoni steaming was lost to many of us. Thankfully, the practice is now being rediscovered by women around the world. In traditional medicine, Yoni steam is thought to profit the following conditions:

  • Reduce menstrual pain
  • Reduce bloating and fatigue around menses
  • Reduce dark blood at the start of the end of menstruation
  • Regulate Irregular and Absent Menstrual Cycles
  • Restart absent cycles
  • Increase fertility
  • Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after childbirth
  • Treat and melt fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse, and endometriosis
  • Helps to repair perineal trauma after delivery
  • Assists with the healing of hemorrhoids and anal fissures
  • Treat chronic vaginal/yeast infections
  • Relieve symptoms of menopause
  • Detoxify the womb and remove toxins from the body
  • Release stored emotions and tap into the energy that is our creative potential
  • Increase Sexual Desire and Lubrication
  • Speed Weight loss Post-birth (Find Out More!)

Vaginal steam is done much like facial steaming, except you allow the steam from a pot of boiled water and herbs to reach the vagina. The steam’s warmth works to soften and open the tissues of the vagina that are exceptionally porous and absorbent.

When plants are immersed in warm water, their medicinal properties, including volatile oils, are released and transferred to the surface of your skin and into the vagina, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream and uterus. Plant steam increases blood circulation, thins the mucosa, cleanses the entire reproductive system, and removes unnecessary membranes. The results are genuinely varied and impressive.

If you are planning to do steaming regularly, you may decide to invest in a particular stool. Basically, you will boil a handful of dried herbs in water, then take off your underwear and sit over the steam for 20-30 minutes.

When you start out, the easiest way is to place the handmade and beautiful SamaHandcraft yoni seat on a metal basin with the herbs and hot water. For more comfort, we have designed a cushion to make you feel better while sitting.

Just be sure the steam is not so hot because it can scald you. Use a blanket around your shoulders and one from your waist to the floor to contain the steam. Stay wrapped up as you sit over the steaming herbs for around 20 to 30 minutes. Afterward, keep wrapped up and go to bed for the night. You’ll awake to feel nourished, nurtured, and pampered.

The warmth of herbal steam slowly penetrates the outer part of the vagina. During this process, which should take about 20 to 45 minutes, the steam dilates the blood vessels, increases blood circulation, provides oxygen, and relaxes the pelvic floor muscles.

The best and most effective time to steam is immediately before your bleeding. If you assume you will start your period on Friday, spend Thursday night steaming and resting. If you experience cycles that begin with spotting, proper steam will often improve the situation.

If you have not had bleeding for some time, your cycles are irregular, or you feel that your bleed is there but not coming, steaming may improve the condition again.

In this case, it may be required to steam for three alternate nights.

Yes! There are always those who doubt drugs that are unprovable by modern science. However, yoni steaming is a therapy that has proven itself over time. For generations, women have shared their success stories with each other, and now they are sharing them with the world. Yoni steaming is excellent for helping uterine and vaginal health. But it does so much more. Steaming enables you to bring a connection to your body. It’s an opportunity to praise your body, learn to enjoy your womb, be in awe of your menstrual cycle. You will be able to reconnect with your sacred center, listen to your intuition, and eventually learn to trust yourself.

Yoni steaming helps increase the level of women’s health, and women who have used it say that it is useful for reducing menstrual cramps, uterine abnormalities, and increasing fertility. It is also said to help achieve a complete menstrual cycle, i.e., 4 days of bleeding, fresh red menses, no side effects, and a 28-30 day cycle. Try Now!

Put the herbs in a bowl of warm water and soak for a few minutes. Then place SamaHandcraft yoni seat on it and sit safely for 20 to 30 minutes. The steam must be 100% comfortable, and the temperature must be appropriate.

Steaming is very powerful, and some women simply need to steam for a short time to see the changes. The best time to steam is in the evenings, a few days before and after menstruation.

It is recommended that women steam two to three times per month, always during weeks when they are not menstruating.

  • Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and maybe twice during pre-ovulation, to ensure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. They should expect to steam for three months before seeing results.
  • Women who suffer from pain, bloating, or exhaustion during menstruation should steam two to three times within the week before menstruation.
  • For postpartum, it is advised to wait a few days before all external wounds are closed before starting to steam. You can then steam 2-3 times a week for 3-4 weeks to facilitate the healing and strengthening of the uterus and vagina.
  • Women who are experiencing or who have passed menopause should do steaming at least three times a year.
  • Women who face chronic illness and challenges can steam up to three times a week for maximum results.

During menstruation, the uterus is in its natural process of shedding and releasing. Because this is already an intense, downward moving energy, the added stimulation of yoni steam may cause heavy bleeding and excess material to flow out. For this cause, it is best to yoni steam on the weeks in which the uterus is in its more peaceful state.

Your menstrual cycle will change after doing yoni steam. Often, there is a great deal of material that is “encrusted” to the inside of your womb, which is expelled after doing the yoni steam. Sometimes this means your flow will be hefty, dark, and thick for just a day or two. Ultimately, your following period will be much lighter and more pleasant than ever before. To be honest, other than feeling relaxed, you should not expect to see results immediately after the steam (there will be no noticeable discharge at the time).

Again, suppose the lining of your uterine walls is indurated. In that case, there is likely a great deal of material left over from past cycles that need to be released. With the herbs’ support, your uterus will begin to work hard to remove the stuck material. Because your uterus contracts when it does, this could cause some uneasiness in the short term, but there is no need to worry! Your future cycles should be more convenient as a result.

If you have a lot of stuck material inside your uterus, you can seemingly feel that it really wants to come out. In this case, the herbal steam may instantly help to loosen it. This could result in the uterine lining shedding, which would mean bleeding, even if it is not the month’s usual time. Don’t be afraid, even if a lot of material comes out over the next few days.

True! Yoni steaming has been seen by many women to support fertility. There may be many causes of fertility challenges. Still, one of those reasons is induration (build-up of material) on the uterine wall. Yoni steaming helps loosen that material and release it through menstruation, making space for the fertilized egg to successfully attach itself. We suggest combining yoni steaming with abdominal massage therapy – the deep external massage on the uterus – for a dynamic approach that has brought many women success. It is recommended to steam at least once per week, when you are not menstruating, for three months before expecting to see results. Do not try to conceive during the 3 months of yoni steam, as the cleansing action may prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall. After the 3 months of yoni steaming and abdominal massage therapy, you may resume trying to conceive and hopefully have a successful conception within one to three cycles.

Yes, yoni steaming can unquestionably boost sex drive! On an emotional level, yoni steaming supports us to develop a profound sense of self-love. It increases our self-confidence (primarily related to our yonis!), which has tremendous implications for women’s sex lives. On the physical level, yoni steaming increases circulation. It increases lubricating, which is clearly significant for libido and sex life as well. In fact, the very act of steaming is somewhat arousing, which helps us get turned on!