Yoni Steam For Fertility

Try Yoni Steam for fertility: Yoni Steam can be the best cure for infertility

Yoni Steam can be a helpful practice for fertility. In some women, the uterus fails to completely empty residual endometrium from period to period, creating an unhealthy buildup that prevents the egg from adhering to the wall of the uterus. That is why some women start their periods with dark brown blood instead of bright red blood. Yoni steaming can be a cleanse or detox for your vagina and uterus, after which you may experience a release of leftover material from previous menstrual cycles, as well as spotting and discharges.

Through herbal heat and the increased blood flow, vaginal steaming gently clears the uterus of residual endometrium from past cycles that may be preventing the egg from properly attaching itself to the uterus wall and receiving the crucial nutrients needed to grow a baby.

yoni steam for fertility

Yoni Steam herbs for fertility

The SamaHandcraft Yoni Steaming Herbs are carefully blended to nourish the feminine reproductive system and increase circulation and blood flow. This will help with purging the pelvic floor of pathologies or infections. While yoni steaming with healing specific herbs, the warmth of gentle herbal steam will be carried into the exterior of the vagina and the pelvic floor which will result in boosting fertility. This magical steam will cleanse the uterus without eliminating any good bacteria and microflora, unlike prescription antibiotic medications, which remove all forms of bacteria (both good and bad).

yoni steam herbs for fertility

When to Yoni Steam for fertility?

We recommend yoni steaming at two points throughout your cycle if conception is your purpose. The first yoni steaming session is best to happen during menstruation. It would be ideal to occur on one of the last bleeding days to help with the uterus’s complete emptying and cleansing. The second yoni steaming session time would be during one of the days just before ovulation, when you’ll be experiencing the most sexual intercourses, which will be the day 12 or 13 of your cycle. Yoni steaming at this period will increase circulation to your pelvic floor, hydrate your tissue and relax the uterus ligaments. You can yoni steam as many times as you desire before ovulation. Also, warming up your body with a shower or bath just before sex is helpful for days during ovulation when you are not allowed to yoni steam.

yoni steam for fertility

If you get your period, start the yoni steaming pattern again. Stop yoni steaming once conception has happened. This self-care ritual supports fertility and postpartum recovery but is contraindicated during pregnancy.

CNY Fertility is one of the top fertility clinics in New York, and they recommend vaginal steaming as a complementary treatment to IVF and IUI. Check out their blog post for additional information on how this practice applies to fertility.

yoni steam for fertility

Bottom Line: Does Yoni Steam work for fertility?

For years, I have dealt with women who dreamed of holding their own babies. Nothing torments a woman’s soul more than infertility, and I understand that very well. If you have tried various treatment methods and it was a dead-end end every time, I suggest you try the yoni steaming technique for 3 months. Focus on yourself and your body, let your harmed soul relax and feel peace, and the healing herbs work on your body. That’s when you will see the miracle!