Yoni Steam Herbs

Perhaps the most critical consideration of yoni steaming is the yoni steam herbs you choose to use. This method on its own may be cleansing for the vagina. However, here comes an interesting question. Can you try yoni steaming without using herbs?

Can you yoni steam without herbs?

Yoni steaming with plain water helps increase circulation to the uterus and helps the uterus release any old residue. However, for a woman prone to irregular cycles, heavy bleedings, or constant spotting, steaming with water might be stimulating and lead to an early period.

yoni steam herbs

Yoni steam herbs pros and cons

Adding particular herbs to the water will make the steaming session targeted towards healing the problems women might have. This can expand the cycle, decrease the spotting, and strengthen the uterus and the whole reproductive system.

Each yoni steam herb has qualities that make it profitable for women’s well-being. Some herbs are a little intense and are just for specific conditions. Some are a little bit more universal. All herbs have particular effects on the body; therefore, you should be precise about the ones you choose to use for your steaming routine.

yoni steam herbs

Best yoni steam herbs

Yoni steaming with appropriate herbs might cleanse the uterine lining, nourish vaginal tissue, improve menstrual flow, and balance the vagina pH level. When you do yoni steaming, the uterus absorbs the nutrients from herbs as you sit over that healing steam. You don’t necessarily have to have a problem with your body to try yoni steaming. You can just yoni steam to keep everything balanced and tight and toned!

We made the SamaHandcraft herb blend to support a regular menstrual cycle, reproductive wellness, womb health, and feminine empowerment. This miraculous herbal blend may help with menstrual cramps, mood swings, irregular menstrual cycles, PMS symptoms bloating, yeast and bacteria infections, cysts and fibroids, and infertility problem.

herbs for yoni steam

SamaHandcraft Yoni Steaming Herbs Package

SamaHandcraft carefully blended yoni steaming herbs package includes the best quality, sweet-smelling, healing, and cleansing herbs, including Calendula, Damask Rose, Rosemary, Mugwort, Yarrow, Lemon Balm and Lavender.

  • Calendula: It helps in the healing of scar tissue, vaginal tears, or hemorrhoids. Calendula can also be suitable for thinning the wall of the vagina and promoting menstruation.
  • Damask rose: It has been traditionally used for treating conditions like abdominal pain, excessive menstrual bleeding, and wound healing.
  • Rosemary: An aromatic and antimicrobial herb that treats bacterial infection, inhibits yeast growth, speeds wound healing, and stimulates menstruation.
  • Mugwort: It helps with balancing female hormones and fights infection. It stimulates hormones that help maintain uterine well-being and protect the uterus from ulcers and tumors. Mugwort also helps to boost menstrual discharge and ease cramping.
  • Yarrow: An astringent and cleansing herb, yarrow is great for regulating menstrual flow, treating ovarian cysts, and supporting overall uterine health.
  • Lemon balm: This herb has traditionally been used to enhance mood and cognitive function. Lemon balm minimize menstrual cramps and assists with wound treatment and fever. It can also help relieve stress, ease insomnia and other sleep disorders.
  • Lavender: One of the most relaxing herbs for yoni steam, lavender supports healing, and it also promotes menstrual flow.

yoni steam herbs

Who Should Try Yoni Steaming?

Yoni Steaming may be appropriate for women who experience the following; however, we may modify your steam or recommend a specific course of treatment:

  • Women who are prone to infection (herpes, UTI, yeast)
  • Women who are trying to conceive (we will not steam between ovulation and the next menstruation)
  • Women experiencing short menstrual cycles (less than 27 days)
  • Girls under the age of 13 who have reached menarche
  • Women experiencing hot flashes and/or night sweats
  • Women with a history of interim bleeding in the past six months

Yoni Steaming Seat